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Credit Card Cash Receipts


The purpose of this module is to allow cash receipts to be done outside of AR. It provides a configurable, limited function version of cash receipts that can be called from sales order entry, customer inquiry and the RM Collections Manager. It works in conjunction with the credit card storage module to provide a seamless method of managing payments while the customer is on the phone or at your counter.


By design, back office features such as adjustments, misc cash posting, OA creation and auto-apply are not included. The options that can be configured are:
 Show aging
 Include credit memos
 Include zero balance invoices
 Show OA invoices
 Allow OA invoices to be applied


 Pay by invoice to accumulate the charge total
 Enter a total and apply to individual invoices
 Search for cards on file with the credit card storage module
 Charge cards in real time
 Dedicated cash receipts batch for all payments made through this program
Improve cash flow and provide better customer service.

Credit Card Cash Receipts Screens